Tips from an Army Ranger on efficient travel
(Speaking Topics for Corporate Events)

There is literaly a world of rewards and treasure waiting for the minute you decide to pack your bag & hop on that plane...
Where do I start?
The very next cool movie you see - go there!
Did you ever wake up and think, "I want to be thought of as a world traveler?"
See the 50 States
My kids took me to Montana for my 50th Birthday. Also my 50th State! (#vacation #dream #summerof2013)
Make your overseas Bucket list
Once you write it down, it exists! (#bucketlist)
“Go where it makes sense. If Norway is expensive in June, try Peru!"
We had a plan for Europe. So what? We switched to South America when we found airfare at 1/2 the price. Scandinavia isnt going anywhere. Let's climb Macchu Picchu instead!
Practice the language, and then use it
We are firm believers in learning the "15 most important words in ..." for every place we go.
..stay tuned for combat forged leadership - 1st Man thru the Door, coming up soon!
Leadership Consulting
I am available for speaking engagements & corporate events on Global Leadership, Business, & Travel - on this topic & all my featured Blogs!..
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